This course teaches you how to configure, deploy, and manage virtual desktop environments in Microsoft Azure. You will learn how to set up host pools, manage virtual machines, create and configure user profiles, and deploy applications to virtual desktops. The course also covers network and storage concepts specific to Azure Virtual Desktop.
By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge required to configure and operate virtual desktop environments in Azure, and will be prepared to take the AZ-140 certification exam.
This course helps you to understand, how to investigate, respond to, and hunt for threats using Microsoft Sentinel, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, and Microsoft 365 Defender.
In this course, you will learn how to mitigate cyber threats using these technologies. Specifically, learners will configure and use Microsoft Sentinel as well as utilize Kusto Query Language (KQL) to perform detection, analysis, and reporting.
The course was designed for people who work in a Security Operations job role and helps learners prepare for the exam SC-200: Microsoft Security Operations Analyst.
These hands-on labs are provided with a ready to use Azure environment along with detailed personalized instructions to learn and complete the exercises to prepare for Security operations analyst
For performing the labs, you need to ensure you are clicking on the Launch Lab button only when you are ready to perform the lab.
This course doesn’t have any technical pre-requisite. This course primarily uses the Azure portal to create services and does not require scripting skills.
This lab includes MS Learn content which is fully integrated in the account portal and lab environment.
This official Microsoft hands-on lab teaches Network Engineers how to design, implement, and maintain Azure networking solutions. This lab covers the process of designing, implementing, and managing core Azure networking infrastructure, Hybrid Networking connections, load balancing traffic, network routing, private access to Azure services, network security and monitoring. Learn how to design and implement a secure, reliable, network infrastructure in Azure and how to establish hybrid connectivity, routing, private access to Azure services, and monitoring in Azure.
This product includes a Cloud Express Pass (CEP) with your lab purchase. The CEP can be found under the ""Info"" tab after launching your lab.
Labs are available in English Only
This course doesn’t have any technical pre-requisite. This course primarily uses the Azure portal to create services and does not require scripting skills.
Laboratoires Inclus
- Créer une machine virtuelle dans le portail
- Créer une application Web
- Déployer des instances de conteneurs Azure
- Créer un réseau virtuel
- Créer un stockage de blobs
- Créer une base de données SQL
- Mettre en œuvre un hub Azure IoT
- Mettre en œuvre les fonctions Azure
- Créer une VM avec un modèle
- Créer une VM avec PowerShell
- Créer une VM avec la CLI
- Mettre en œuvre Azure Key Vault
- Sécuriser le trafic réseau
- Gérer l'accès avec RBAC
- Gérer les verrous de ressources
- Mettre en œuvre l'étiquetage des ressources
- Créer une stratégie Azure
- Explorer le centre de confiance
- Utiliser la calculatrice de tarification
- Utiliser la calculatrice TCO d'Azure
- Calculer les SLA composites
- Ouvrir une demande de support
Le cours AZ-900 contient au total 22 laboratoires et l'environnement de laboratoire de chaque module est disponible pour la durée spécifiée et ne peut être activé qu'une fois. Chaque laboratoire, une fois lancé, peut pas être mis en pause ou repris.
Prerequis de cours
The hands-on labs are provided with a ready-to-use Azure environment along with detailed personalized instructions to learn and complete the exercises to prepare for the Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals certification exam. In this course, users will explore relational data offerings, provisioning and deploying relational databases, and querying relational data through cloud data solutions with Microsoft Azure, non-relational data offerings, provisioning and deploying non-relational databases, and non-relational data stores with Microsoft Azure. Students will explore the processing options available for building data analytics solutions in Azure, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, and Azure HDInsight and learn what Power BI is, including its building blocks and how they work together.
By completing these labs, users will have good knowledge of the fundamentals of database concepts in a cloud environment, get basic skilling in cloud data services, and build their foundational knowledge of cloud data services within Microsoft Azure.
These hands-on labs are provided with a ready-to-use Azure environment along with detailed personalized instructions to learn and complete the exercises to prepare for Azure Architect certification.
Each module lab environment is available only for the specified duration and can be taken only once within 30 days of enrollment.
Note: For performing the labs, you need to ensure you are clicking on the Launch Lab button only when you are ready to perform the lab.
Module Included
Provision Azure relational database services
Use SQL to query Azure SQL Database learning in Azure Machine Learning
Provision non-relational Azure data services
Upload, download, and query data in a non-relational data store
This course doesn’t have any technical pre-requisite. This course primarily uses the Azure portal to create services and does not require scripting skills.